Fixed excess dropped head bombs still ticking/light flashing as if they were about to explode.Fixed some tabs in survival book having strange subtle pattern on them in some lighting.Fixed overly dark small red plant when ambient occlusion was enabled.(multiplayer)Fixed case where other players could appear locked in place after being revived.Fixed several cases of sunlight leaking into caves when it shouldn’t.Fixed one maple tree type not reacting to explosives unless player was extremely close.(multiplayer) Fixed cases of players being able to damage other players buildings using cheats even if building destruction was set to off.(multiplayer) Fixed case where clients could instant kill other players using mods.(multiplayer) Fixed cases of players names not being visible to host.(multiplayer) Fixed case where host would not be able to kick or ban cheating players.Overworld map now includes mountain area in the far north and improved how many functions.Added throw away animation to hairspray when empty and removed UI fuel bar.

Added fuel gauge to chainsaw and removed UI fuel bar.New weapon added: Crossbow and crossbow bolts.We will do a separate post once it is ready. PS4 version of this patch is in process of being submitted and should release later this afternoon. In addition to this, you can now kick and ban any player in your server, even if they have made themselves invisible. We also fixed an issue where players could pretend to be other players in chat. We also fixed exploits with our building system that could allow players to damage buildings with cheats even if building destruction was set to off. To help stop cheating in multiplayer, we removed exploits that would allow players to simulate damage on other players or instant kill them using cheats. Along with this there are new volumetric clouds (can be toggled off if you prefer the old looking clouds) Improved underwater rendering including new caustic effects and lots more. We’ve also improved some of the game's visuals, including the large lake in the middle of the world, tweaked the look of our ambient occlusion to detail shade things further back, improved shadow distance rendering and also improved the look of tree textures and the distant billboards. If you’ve completed the alternate ending you’ll also find some new decorative buildables available in your survival book. This Update adds new buildables, some new caves to find those buildables in, a new weapon type, two new late game creatures, and a ton more.